-No, you will be compensated by getting to keep the items that you are modeling for the boutiques.
Are professional photos required?
-While we do encourage all models to use professional photos, they are not required. High quality photos, however, are required. Photos must be clear images that show the products being modeled well, with no clutter or mess in the background. Professional photos may lead to more bookings for your model. Please take a moment to view our "Photography Partners" album on our facebook page to see if we have any listed photographers in your area. I'm sure they would love to help you out with photos!
What if a boutique doesn't approve of our photos?
- If a boutique doesn't approve of the photos that you send in, they will usually ask for a re shoot. Most of the time, re shoots are only asked if something looked off with their product in the photos (The shirt was tucked in funny, the headband was upside down, there weren't enough photos for a particular item or their weren't any close ups, etc). It is NEVER because they didn't think your model looked beautiful/handsome so please do not get offended! Remember, this is for the boutiques! Without them, boutique modeling wouldn't exist!
Where should photos be taken?
- Most boutiques prefer outdoor shots because the look of natural lighting on the models and products make the photos look better, if you do have access to an indoor studio with professional lighting and backdrops then you are welcome to use that as well!
Do models have to live in the same area as the boutiques to get booked?
- No! Ellie Kate Models has models from California to New York and even out of the country!